Unlimited Browsing With MTN BIS and PDProxy VPN

With PD proxy VPN you can also browse unlimited with MTN BIS Plan which are now unlimited, PD Proxy VPN software gives a free demo usage to test but for more browsing data you will have to buy a voucher.


How to Browse Unlimited with PD Proxy VPN and MTN BIS

  1. Subscribe to any of the MTN BIS plans (for 100 Naira daily plan send BBCDAY to 21600 and for 1000 Naira monthly plan send BBC to 21600).
  2. Make sure you have the latest java runtime on your computer
  3. Goto http://www.pdproxy.com/signup.htm and register (note your username and password)
  4. Download the latest PD Proxy VPN software from here http://downloads.pdproxy.com/PD-Proxy_VPN.zip install it
  5. Open PD-launcher.exe, when you are prompted to install a driver, press YES
  6. When opened goto settings and first change route delay to 2 then use the below settings:


TCP Server port: 443

UDP Server port: 0

Bind local port: 0

Now goto parent proxy settings and use:


Port: 8080

Header: host: ping.blackberry.com


  1. Now save and Go back
  2. Connected your modem with default MTN APN (web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net)
  3. Now select any TCP server of your choice if you are on paid voucher or select the DEMO server if you are testing it.

Enjoy the unlimited browsing with MTN BIS, if you need voucher for PD Proxy then contact me via [email protected]


  1. Lilthony6 June 16, 2016
  2. Xinny April 24, 2016

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