[Solution] Xiaomi Phone not connecting to PC via USB


This is the simple solution to fix Xiaomi phone not connecting to PC via USB cable, this will show you how to make the MI phone gets detected by your computer via USB cable.

Just bought Xiaomi Redmi 3s prime from china and was trying to copy an HD video to the phone to test the display but my computer was not detecting the phone via USB, i tried several cables and ports but no joy.

First thing that comes to mind is enabling ‘USB debugging’ but even after that the xiaomi phone not connecting to PC still.

The PC detects the xiaomi phone via cable if i select Transfer photos (PTP) option but can only access the photo folders.

Finally i got a perfectly working solution to get your computer to detect your xiaomi phone via USB cable.

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Solution to Xiaomi Phone not connecting to PC via USB

  1. Enable developer option:  go to settings>About Phone and tap MIUI version about 6 times then you will see a pop up notification that you are now a developer.
  2. Enable USB debugging: after enabling developer option you should go to settings>additional settings>Developer options then enable USB debugging
  3. Now connect your xiaomi phone to your PC via USB cable
  4. On your computer go to PC>C drive>windows >INF > and look for wpdmtp.inf (make sure your xiaomi phone is connect via usb) then right click on the file wpdmtp and click install with your phone plugged in.

Note: when you connect via cable you have an option on the top notification to select either to charge only, transfer files or photos. you should select transfer file.

After this steps your Xiaomi Phone will be detected by your computer and you can access the internal memory.

you can share this steps with friends experiecing the same problem of xiaomi phone not connecting to pc

You can also read:

Review on Xiaomi Redmi 3s prime

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