How to flash any ROM on Xiaomi Phones with a locked bootloader

I just bought some Xiaomi Redmi 3s prime phone from china and it all came with MIUI 7 and china ROM without Google Play store so i needed to flash them with a Global ROM using latest flash ROM with MIUI 8, this tutorial will how ever show you how to Flash any ROM on Xiaomi phones with a locked bootloader.


If all you need is just the latest MIUI 8 then you dont have to do all this process, just connect your device to a WIFI network and do an OTA update from MIUI 7 to 8 but if you will like to change your ROM (from any ROM to another)  and your still have a locked bootloader then this is the easiest method to flash any ROM on xiaomi phones with locked bootloader.

Please be noted I will not take any responsibility for anything that goes wrong even though i have used this method to flash 3 different xiaomi phones on different ROMs.
Important: – Before flashing it is advised to make sure your phone battery is charged

This Method will work with every ROM, Upgrade/Downgrade, Locked Bootloader/Unlocked Bootloader.

Things you will need

  1. Qualcomm Driver (download and install)
  2. Mi Flash Tool – Beta (download and install)
  3. Minimal ADB and Fastboot (download and install it, if you have a problem installing look here)
  4. Fastboot ROM (download the Flash ROM as appropriate and unzip it)

If you have downloaded the above tools and installed 1, 2 and 3 then you can continue the process

Enter Fastboot mode

Turn off your xiaomi device, then to put your xiaomi phone into fastboot mode:  hold the volume down and power button together till you get a page like this


Then connect your Xiaomi device to your computer


Enter EDL mode from fastboot mode

Minimal adb and fastboot command gif;base64,R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw==

Now you need to enter EDL mode from fastboot mode, launch Minimal ADB and Fastboot Tool that you have downloaded and installed then type in the command fastboot oem edl then press enter. If you get a message “OKAY” and a blank black screen on your xiaomi device then you are now in EDL mode and ready to flash any ROM on Xiaomi Phones.

Flashing ROM on Xiaomi Phone

Now launch MiFlashTool (beta) you have downloaded and installed above, tick the clean all option at the bottom then click the select option at the top of the Flash tool to select the Flash ROM’s folder you have download and extracted.

Note: make sure the its a direct folder containing the files (see above and below image)


folder directory looks like this: C:\Users\Wilson\Downloads\land_global_images_V8.0.3.0.MALMIDG_20160805.0000.29_6.0_global_588e5c60af

The folder that contains the files is directly inside the download folder, you can copy it to the destop or any other place.

Now click refresh if everything goes well you will get the ROM loaded on the tool then you can now click flash.


If you get an error that say can not read from port

This to try out (in my own case i just changed USB port to another)

  1. change the USB port which you using in connecting the xiaomi phone to your computer.
  2. disable your antivirus
  3. use another computer

if all goes well it should stall flashing the ROM onto your xiaomi device and should display a success message after a while.

After a successful flash of the ROM into the xiaomi phone, just hold the power button down for a while to boot the phone up again into the new ROM.

This are the simple steps to follow in other to flash any ROM on Xiaomi Phones.

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One Response

  1. no October 23, 2024

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